In recent days Bangladesh has become a role model in alleviation of poverty, Industrialization, digitization and economic emancipation. A strong social infrastructure, unbreakable economy and capability to fight natural disaster also contributed this nation to achieve this honor. A country of 160 Million has an immense potentiality which confirms that we can do even better.I always have a dream to be a part of this national development and Almighty Allah gave me an opportunity to serve this nation.Bangladesh government has taken initiative to make digital Bangladesh and set a goal to do it within 2021; we want to be a part of this mission. To digitalize our country I had a plan to work with the IT sector. We have established a splendid IT firm, where all of our IT persons will give their best effort to complete their works by maintaining world class quality. We have a experienced team to perform various work, such as Online News Portal development, Software development, E-Commerce development, ERP development etc.Information technology has helped in shaping both the business world and our society in general. Many fields have been impacted by information technology and these include; education, health, entertainment, communication and others. The impacts of information technology are profound.At last, as a leading company in Software Development, Website development and other IT Services, we are committed to enhancing our organization success. Our continuous growth will be based on our proven strengths.
To provide a cost effective and reliable software solution to help individuals and business organizations to manage their needs by developing related software, websites and other IT enable services.Bangladesh government has taken initiative to make digital Bangladesh and set a goal to do it within 2021; we want to be a part of this mission. To digitalize our country we have a plan to work with IT sector.
To develop innovative, high quality solutions and a good working environment.To be an ethical business and provide fair returns to our stakeholders,support our local community and respect the environment in all we do.
As our software business has grown, and we have enjoyed success, we have a responsibility to help those who are not as fortunate. We want to give something back to our local community, so we are trying our best to help underprivileged children to gain a good start in life.
30000+ Medicine List With Generic Name & Price.
Company / Generic Name Wise Short List.
Purchase, Purchase Edit, Purchase Return.
Sales, Wholesale, Retail Sale, Sales Return.
Stock Transfer, Damaged Medicine List.
Supplier / Customer / Indoor Patient Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Reports (Purchase, Sales, Inventory, Due List etc.)
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Consultant/Referrer Registration..
Patient Registration, Patient Ledger..
Counter Wise Patient Registration..
Lab Sample Collection, Invoice Wise Test and Reporting.
Report (Billing, Sample Collection Report, Test Report,Referrer Commission, Commission Ledger,Income/ Expense Report).
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Purchase, Purchase Edit, Purchase Return.
Sales, Wholesale, Retail Sale, Sales Return.
Multi Show Room Maintenance From Head Office.
Supplier Ledger / Customer Ledger / Employee Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Barcode Reader, Barcode Generator.
Reports (Stock, Purchase, Sales, Accounts, Profit etc.)
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Client Regiostration, Service Registraation.
Multiple Sevice Assigining
Monthly Bill Generation.
Partial Bill Generation.
Client Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Reports (Invoice, Montly Bill Report, bill Summary, Due Collection, Accounts, Profit etc.)
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Purchase, Purchase Edit, Purchase Return.
Sales, Wholesale, Retail Sale, Sales Return.
Multi Show Room Maintenance From Head Office.
Supplier Ledger / Customer Ledger / Employee Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Barcode Reader, Barcode Generator.
Reports (Stock, Purchase, Sales, Accounts, Profit etc.)
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Purchase, Purchase Edit, Purchase Return.
Sales, Sales Edit, Sales Return, Stock Management.
Damage Product Return, Other Damage Return.
Order Sheet, Daily Cash Summary, Cash Closing.
Supplier Ledger / Customer Ledger / Party Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Reports (Stock, Purchase, Sales, Damage, Profit etc.)
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Category, Sub Category, Brand, Color Wise Product.
Purchase, Purchase Edit, Purchase Return.
Sales, Wholesale, Retail Sale, Sales Return, Stock.
Multi Show Room Maintenance From Head Office.
Supplier Ledger / Customer Ledger / Employee Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Reports (Stock, Purchase, Sales, Accounts, Profit etc.)
Barcode Reader, Barcode Generator.
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Purchase, Purchase Edit, Purchase Return.
Sales, Sales Edit, Sales Return, Integreted SMS Alert.
Product Wise (Petrol, Diesel, Octane etc) Stock Report.
Reading Calculation.
Daily Reading Report.
Daily Statement.
Daily Cash Summary, Cash Closing.
Supplier Ledger / Customer Ledger / Employee Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balance Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Reports (Stock, Purchase, Sales, Accounts, Profit etc.)
Shift Wise Report.
Short & Access.
SMS Module (SMS on cash and credit sales.)
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Purchase, Purchase Edit, Purchase Return.
Sales, Sales Edit, Sales Return, Stock Management.
Multi Show Room Maintenance From Head Office.
Supplier Ledger / Customer Ledger / Employee Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Reports (Stock, Purchase, Sales, Accounts, Profit etc.)
Barcode Reader, Barcode Generator.
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Menu Types / Food Menu / Customer Receipts.
Table Reservation, Table Billing.
Customer Ledger / Employee Ledger.
Accounts (Income, Expence, Balanced Sheet.)
Bank Reconciliation (Cash, Card, Cheque, bKash.)
Integrated Credit Card Processing.
Reports (Stock, Purchase, Sales, Accounts, Profit etc.)
Barcode Reader, Barcode Generator.
User Permission, Database Backup, Database Security.
Search and Sort to easily find Categories,
Sub-Categories, Brand, Colors, Size, Products.)
Manage Categories, Sub-Categories, Brands, Color).
Product fields include Name, SKU, Product Details,
Additional Details, List Price, Stock, minimum
Quantity Order Amount, Handling Fee and more.)
Set Products as Active or Inactive.)
Add products to a single category or multiple categories
related products.)
Easily Manage and Edit Categories, Sub-Categories,
Brand, Colors, Size, Products.)
Create and Manage Custom Order Status.
Brand, Colors, Size, Products.)
Dynamic (Includes Admin Panel) & Static (Excludes
Admin panel).
Full Responsive (Computer, Notebook, Tab, Mobile).
Framework (Laravel, CodeIgniter).
Scripting Language (HTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery,
JQuery UI, Ajax).
Database (MySQL, MySQLi).